Rizing Evolution – The Future Proofed Enterprise Podcast

Episode 3 Summary: Generative AI: Could’ve, Would’ve, Should’ve?

This episode of the Rizing Evolution podcast focuses on the impact of generative AI on businesses and organizations. Key points from the panelists include:

Martin Stenzig, Chief Technology Officer at Rizing, emphasizes the transformative potential of AI, stating:

“I think this and other technologies we’re finding in the market though today are sort of you know ramping us up into the 25-30% factor and that’s really game changing.”

He believes that organizations need to consider both the risks and opportunities presented by AI technologies to improve their businesses.

Charles Wilson, Principal Consultant at Wipro, shared his experience with technology’s impact on business turnarounds. He highlighted the importance of good leadership and effective technology implementation in driving organizational benefits.

Josh Cavalier, Founder of joshcavalier.ca, focused on AI’s potential for human empowerment:

“I think we’re about ready to get into a phase of technology to where it’s an empowerment phase … we’re gonna be able to show up differently and show up better.”

He believes that while some jobs may be eliminated, AI will primarily be transformative in allowing people to perform better in their roles.

Aaron Green, Chief Marketing and Solutions Officer at SAP SuccessFactors, discussed the democratization of data access through AI:

“The big thing around this it’s really democratized access to data for people and that’s the real potential I think for organizations because that in turn creates not just equity inside of an organization, but social equity as well.”

Green emphasized the potential of AI to create both organizational and social equity through improved data access.

The panelists agreed that generative AI presents significant opportunities for businesses to transform their operations, improve efficiency, and empower their workforce. They stress the importance of embracing these technologies while being mindful of potential risks and challenges.

You can also read the full episode transcript, view the episode on LinkedIn, or view all the podcast episodes.