The Comprehensive Guide for Upgrading from SAP ERP HCM to SAP SuccessFactors

Do you have the insights and tools you need to confidently move your customized on-premise setup to the cloud?

In this 24-page white paper, we cover everything you need to know to successfully migrate your SAP ERP HCM system to SAP SuccessFactors, including:

  1. Key business case factors and how to demonstrate ROI
  2. Assessing your readiness in 3 easy steps
  3. Finding the right partner by asking for 8 critical bits of information
  4. Deployment options and how to make the right choice
  5. Tools for the implementation process to migrate your existing data
  6. Change management best practices to increase user adoption

Comprehensive Guide for Upgrading from SAP ERP HCM to SAP SuccessFactors

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